Martin Holsinger

2 Contractor Marketing Styles – Which One Is Best?

contractor marketing strategies

Good morning builders and remodelers.

Today I want to talk about growing your business. Specifically I want to talk to you about the two different styles of marketing.

Now the chances are at some point in your life, you’ve probably experienced people trying these two different styles on you at some point or another.

Contractor Marketing Style #1

The first style I want to talk about is what I call hunting. This typically happens when a builder or remodeler runs out of work and they’re looking for a new job. They begin looking for a way to get more customers.

It’s like that person who runs out of meat, and their household is hungry. He picks up his rifle and runs out into the wilderness looking for the first thing that moves.

You know how deer are when they’re startled or frightened, they usually run.

Well, that’s typically the way your customers will be if you come at them with your marketing (looking for the first thing that moves) and try to shoot them down.

They will RUN!

Contractor Marketing Style #2

The second style of marketing is what we call farming. Any farmer who is planting an orchard will typically expect it to take at least three years, after planting his trees, before there’s going to be a return on that investment.

I want you to think of your marketing in much the same way, whether you’re building your online presence, building up your brand, whatever. Think of it in the long term.

You are planting seeds.

Line upon line, row upon row, putting out valuable content here and valuable content there. All for the purpose of attracting your ideal customer to you.

That is the farming style of marketing.

The Marketing Style That Is Best

My encouragement for you to do today is to think about how you’re marketing your business. Are you planting seeds that will bear fruit and bring forth a harvest in the years to come, or are you waiting until you have no more customers, grabbing your rifle and running out there and chasing people down?

I hope that you take up the farming style of marketing with that long-term vision that will bring in a great return on your investment.

Have a great day.

Martin Holsinger

Watch my VLog of this lesson here:

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