Martin Holsinger

How To Get A Quick Boost On A Lazy Afternoon

Sometimes when I am working in the afternoon, my brain gets sleepy. No actually, not sometimes. Pretty much every day. 

But on this particular day. I was working on a writing project in Starbucks. At about 3:15pm I decided to get up and go for a quick walk to stretch my muscles and get the blood flowing again. And clear my brain.

I walked into the bookstore next door. 

As usual I went straight to the business section. Sometimes just seeing the titles of all those great books gives me an extra boost. You know what I mean? Just reading the titles of published books, can give you insight. Especially if you are a creative.

Anyway, I saw a new book by Jon Acuf titled: “Start”.

“Hmmm. I thought. I haven’t seen this one before. I think I’ll pick it up and leaf through it.” 

I flipped through a few chapters. Until I found a chapter near the back about why he is working for someone else while he grows his own platform. 

Then, I read a few more pages about “doing reps,” you know, becoming an expert at one thing by just doing it over and over again. 

Boom! the fire started to grow inside me. It was just the fix I needed to keep going with my creative work. 

No, I didn’t buy the book yet. Sorry Jon. But, it did inspire me, and that’s what counts. 

So do you need a quick fix on a lazy afternoon?

Here are 3 things that you can do for a quick boost.

1. Go For A Walk

Getting up and going for a walk is stimulating to the brain. It releases chemicals that we need in order to be creative. It provides a washing of the mind. That’s why we call it “clearing the head”. It opens your mind to other things. That kind of distraction is actually healthy. 

So, if you find yourself nodding off. Or not getting as much done as you hoped. Go for a quick walk. 

2. Read Something Inspiring

Don’t do this at the same location as your work. You have to get up and go somewhere else for this to work properly. Just like my story above. I went for a walk, and then read a few pages that inspired me. 

Can you do something like this too? Find something inspiring and read it. 

3. Listen To Something Inspiring

Podcasts are awesome! I love to listen to podcasts when I’m not working. I listen to a few folks on a regular basis who continually inspire me. 

This is certainly something you can do while you are on your quick walk. Just put your earbuds in and listen to a quick inspirational podcast while you walk.

There you have it. 3 quick and easy things that you can do the next time you need a boost in the afternoon. 

Questions for Response. 

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