Martin Holsinger


Does This Sound Like You?

Are you a contractor who feels overwhelmed but wishes you could do more to grow your business? I know how that feels. And I assure you…

…then you’ve arrived at the perfect place, and this site is for you.

My name is Martin Holsinger, and I help residential contractors build their online presence and get found by the right customers. This means you can attract more leads and make more sales while growing your business with purpose.

The Purpose Of This Site…

I’ll share my journey and knowledge with you. But it’s not so much about my journey as it is about “us.” We are all in this together. And my goal is to be as transparent and real as possible with you. I want to empower you in your own experience of creating a business on purpose.

What I do is write, speak and develop training materials that empower contractors just like you to grow your business online. So that you will get more qualified leads and make more sales. And truly build a business on purpose.

My Story

After years of never giving up on my business dream, I now own a successful Internet marketing agency, “Yakima Valley Marketing”. My clients include lawyers, medical clinics, lumber yards, heating and air contractors, churches, mission organizations…and many more. I’ve also had the privilege of owning my own home improvement contracting company and living in Thailand as a foreign missionary..

I wrote and published some books, including:

I directed many online marketing campaigns that helped small business owners secure a rock-solid online presence at the top of the Google Search Engine. This results in my clients experiencing more sales.

However, I am able to help even more people by putting my knowledge and experience into digital form and distributing it on the Internet (some for free, some for payment).

I Run a “Business by Design”

I have what’s often called a “lifestyle business.” That simply means I think about what kind of life I want to live, and the ministry I want to have, before charging in to the business I want to develop. The truth is…either you control the business, or the business controls you. I hope you will join me in choosing the first.

I run my business with a tiny staff (just me; my wife, Rachel; and my webmaster, Reynard). Our business completely aligns with our values as followers of Jesus Christ, and we work to make a difference in our own community as well as the world at large.

I’m married to my incredibly beautiful and extremely smart wife, Rachel. We have four brilliant children—one girl and three boys. We homeschool our children and give them regular chores and tasks. Our desire is to train them to live their lives with purpose and passion.

We live in central Washington, equal distance from three major international airports. We volunteer in our local church in various ways as well as help out in our community.

Our passion is to know Christ and make Him known.

Some Ways I Can Help You for Free

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you are new here. I believe the best way to start a new relationship is by giving. That’s why on this site I give away an incredible amount of free, useful content. Here are the my most popular ways  I can help you, all of which are 100 percent free.

  1. Follow Me On Instagram. I upload inspiring content. And I also do daily Instagram Stories, and Instagram LIVE Sessions.
  2. Subscribe to my YouTube channelI am so passionate about helping contractors and small business owners with their Internet marketing that I regularly put free video tutorials on YouTube. These videos are inspiring and easy to understand. They are step-by-step, click-by-click training on how to grow your business using the Internet. You’ll be blessed.
  3. Read the posts on this site. I continually write articles on all aspects of using the Internet to grow your business, including pointers, tips, and tricks concerning building a business on purpose. All the articles are available absolutely free on this site. Subscribe to my list so that you don’t miss a single post.

Here’s a little more of my personal story…

I was raised in a line of entrepreneurs. My dad’s dream was for me to work with him in his carpentry business. In high school I really liked computers and technology and toyed with the idea of going to IT school. But I never did.

After my conversion to Christianity at 19, I developed a strong heartbeat for foreign missions, and I longed to go to Thailand. Rachel and I married in 2001 with the anticipation that we would soon move to Thailand. We both began our marriage by teaching school at a local private school for a year. I discovered that I really enjoyed teaching and had a gift I never knew I had.

No doors opened to Thailand even though we made short-term trips there. Finally in 2004, I started my own construction company. I actually worked for another contractor for a year or two until the referrals came in enough to work for my own company full time. Then I hired my first employee, and the business continued to grow. Not huge, but we experienced financial freedom like we hadn’t before.

We also helped with a brand new church plant at this time, so my passion for missions was being exercised a little bit. I taught a weekly class at the local Gospel mission and did as much other ministry volunteer work that I could. But the door to move to Thailand never opened.

Until 2009.

In March of ’09 we sold most of our household items, vehicles and carpentry tools (the only thing that didn’t sell was our house)…and we moved to Thailand with our three children—my dream come true. I immersed myself in full-time language study for a year and half.

Then I started studying Internet marketing…

At the same time, I learned WordPress by developing our own ministry website. I met Ann Sieg and Mike Dillard, and they introduced me to Internet marketing. I was looking for ways to earn a little extra income. My goal was to become fully self-supporting as missionaries. So I immersed myself in their courses and studied funnels and follow up and all that…

I learned about direct response marketing and the opportunity the Internet provides for folks to research their buying choices. After they research, they decide to buy from someone long before they ever meet that person. This made sense to me.

So I dug in and started blogging, making videos…etc.…etc.

Till I Got Sick…

Then I started to get sick (remember, we’re still in Thailand). The summer and fall of 2011 were pretty bad. And in the spring of 2012, I wondered if I was going to die. So, in March of 2012 we made the decision to return to the USA. It was hard, and yet I was given peace that our life is like a book and this was a chapter that was closing and a new one was beginning.

My passion is teaching and missions, so I wanted to build a business based on the Internet. So that we would have a mobile business that would support us when we move around and traveled in the future. I made a goal to spend the next three years building a business that provides websites and marketing for folks. I wanted staff and systems in place to keep the business running even if I couldn’t be there all the time. With that vision and goal in mind, I launched. I actually made a couple of small sales while still in Thailand.

My First Real Client…

Our first USA client came in September of 2012. A $500 website. It was pretty low pricing, but it moved me forward and built confidence. That same winter I landed a website and e-commerce project that paid well, but didn’t work out. I lost sleep over that job and learned a lot of hard lessons. You have to be willing to fail and learn from those failures if you want to succeed.

In spring of 2013 I worked hard on growing my business. I joined BNI, a networking organization, and attended other local networking groups. Through this I made connections in the community that led to warm referrals. Eventually I became president of our brand new local BNI chapter, which gave me a huge boost in my leadership skills.

I Published a Book…

In 2014, I wrote “Digital Marketing Secrets For Small Business” and published it as an e-book and a hard copy on Amazon. It sailed to the No. 1 best-seller slot in three categories on Amazon. Amazing…

But down deep I’ve always known there was more. I have a strong desire to develop content and training courses that will really help other business owners. After picking up Michael Hyatt’s book “Platform” and joining his Platform University, I launched this blog.

I’d Love To Get To Know You…

The best way to develop a relationship with me is to sign up on my list (I only have one list). Once a week, I will send you an update of my blog posts and other materials or useful content I produce. You do not need to worry about spam or a bunch of hype. Like I said, we are in this together. I only want to share with you what I’ve found helpful for myself or my customers.

Go ahead and sign up here. As my thank you for joining me in this amazing journey, I will send you my free cheat sheets that I developed with you in mind.

Let’s do this. Together, let’s grow our businesses with purpose, for the maximum glory to God.

God bless you,



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