Martin Holsinger

What is the Most Important Online Marketing Strategies?

online marketing strategies

most important online marketing strategies

In this post, I will answer another FAQ I often get, “What is the most important online marketing strategies?” Here’s my answer:

If you are just starting out…

You might think I would say “Social Media Marketing,” or something like that. But in reality, you should be focused on creating a solid online presence that is mobile-friendly, reputable, and full of valuable information which you own and control. 

Here are 3 things to clarify what I mean by solid online presence: 

Those 3 online marketing strategies are what you should be focused on if your are just starting out. Especially for busy small business owners like yourself. 

What if you already have a solid online presence?

If you already have all those things I just listed above, then the next most important online marketing strategy you can do, is grow your list.

You must grow your list.

Once you have an optimized online presence like I mentioned above, and you are getting leads to your business… Then, nurture your relationship with those People. I emphasize people, because business is transacted between people.

The internet doesn’t dis-annul this. It enhances it.

You can now use the internet to meet more people, and develop a relationship with them. Which leads them to knowing you, liking you, and trusting you. Do you know where it goes from there? That’s right. To more sales.

The way to do this is through content marketing, which I wrote about in this post.  Content Marketing is a more advanced online marketing strategy that works very well. However, I stress that you must start with a fully optimized online presence first.

This post is part of my Frequently Asked Question Series. Maybe you have another question I can answer for you…

3 FAST & EASY Ways To Respond:


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